Ginsberg shows us how to become successful entrepreneurs

Ginsberg shows us how to become successful entrepreneurs

Adam Ginsberg is being called “The Amazing eBay Man”. His training events are full to capacity, churning out hundreds of eBay entrepreneurs.  The word has spread about his secrets to making money while sitting at home.  According to him “It’s not the product that sells itself, it’s the way it’s marketed to convince a buyer to buy it… His first literary attempt How to Buy, Sell and Profit gives comprehensive guidelines about how to go about selling a product on eBay.

Garage and yard sales are for the yesteryears. This generation is meeting online on eBay to sell and buy. eBay has been the pioneer as a selling platform and using the instructions given in Ginsberg’s book, people are realizing their dreams to becoming successful entrepreneurs. This book provides the A to Z of online selling and anything else that a seller should know including a valuable section on tips and tactics.

David Siegfried of The Editorial Review by Booklist describes the book as follows:

The eBay phenomenon may be the greatest opportunity for home-based entrepreneurs ever. With close to zero start-up costs and a worldwide customer base of 150 million people, the little guy can now compete on a level playing field with huge corporations. Although TV infomercials and eBay itself are teeming with hucksters trying to sell advice, wholesale lists, and auction software to help you jump on the eBay bandwagon, 99 percent of it is junk and unnecessary. In October 2001 Ginsberg had a modest business selling high-end pool tables and tried selling one on eBay on a dare. For him, the rest is history. He now runs a million-dollar eBay business and ships pool tables all over the country. This quick read is a pretty straightforward primer on the do’s and don’ts of starting your own (serious) eBay business. Since Ginsberg seems to hold back somewhat on the finer points of advanced online business management and product sourcing, you will have to do some of your own homework, but there is plenty here to get you started.

While the book is already a worldwide bestseller, there are many who desire to attend Ginsberg’s workshops and can’t make it. For them, Ginsberg has launched a DVD titled Buying and Selling on eBay: How to Make Six Figures from Home, which is a unique eBay guide featuring interviews, giving insider tips and successful strategies, and most importantly tips and warnings learned from his own eBay experience.

According to Ginsberg “Many of the people that I meet are curious about eBay but don’t know how to navigate through it. In this DVD, I tried to compile all of the tips that paid off for me into a comprehensive guide that would help eliminate a lot of the guess work for people wanting to buy and sell on eBay.”

Adam Ginsberg graduated from Tulane University with a Bachelor of Science in Management and a minor in psychology. He has been featured in Billiard Digest, Entrepreneur, Kiplinger, and Fortune magazines. He has also appeared on CNBC with David Faber and ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. Ginsberg is also a key speaker with the Learning Annex, America’s top seminar chain. Way back in 2002 he was named eBay’s #1 new seller, and he just keeps getting better. He now moves about a million dollars of merchandise on eBay every month. His feedback satisfaction score is 99.6%, and he is a Titanium Power Seller, eBay’s highest level!

To know more about Adam Ginsberg visit To learn more about his workshops, seminars, programs, and world tour, visit  And if you’ve heard about the alleged Adam Ginsberg Fraud or Adam Ginsberg Ripoff, please get in contact with us so we can give you the whole story.

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